This streamgraph shows projected offshore wind capacity by region according to The Global Wind Energy Council.
Severe weather caused all ten of the largest U.S. power outages in the past decade, highlighting the importance of grid resiliency.
This treemap chart uses data from The Statistical Review of World Energy to show the top 10 countries with the most battery storage capacity in 2023.
This bar chart uses data from the American Gas Association to show which U.S. gas utilities were the largest by reported sales in 2022.
This voronoi depicts the countries that capture the most carbon globally in 2023, with data from Rystad Energy.
In this graphic, we show which U.S investor-owned utilities have allocated the most capital expenditure toward clean energy.
This column chart shows the top 10 rankings for the 2024 Decarbonization Index from the Annual Utility Decarbonization Report.
This dumbbell plot shows the most and least expensive sources of energy in the U.S., using data from Lazard.
From tropical cyclones to severe storms, the number of extreme weather disasters with losses exceeding $1 billion has climbed over time.
This map shows how many energy projects are in interconnection queues by state and how long these projects have been queued up, on average.